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The Review of Korean Studies (RKS) is an academic journal published biannually in English by The Academy of Korean Studies. Since its first publication in 1998, the RKS has strived to stimulate dialogue and promote the exchange of ideas, theories, and perspectives among Koreanists in both Asia and the West. The journal has been listed in the Korean Citation Index (KCI) and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The RKS welcomes research articles on Korea Studies in any field, but the journal would like to be devoted to the interaction of scholars particularly on "premodern" Korean Studies. 

Scope and Types of Manuscripts:
  • Research articles in all fields of Korean Studies 
  • Translation or introduction of (a) primary source(s) on Korean Studies. 

Submission: Available at all times

Recommended Deadline:
  • December 2018 issue by August 31, 2018 
  • June 2019 issue by February 28, 2019

Submission Guidelines:

All manuscripts should be submitted by email to review at as an attachment in MS Word document (.doc/.docx) format.

Papers submitted to the RKS must be unpublished original work of the author(s) and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Any fact of external support for the research or its earlier presentation/publication must be acknowledged. 

Citations such as the reference list, footnotes, and parenthetical citations should be made following the standards specified by The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition.  For Romanization of Korean, follow the Revised Romanization System, set by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Further instructions for authors can be obtained from the RKS website.

The RKS does not charge contributors any expenses for publication or peer-reviews.

Contact us:
Chanmi Ko, Managing Editor
323 Haogae-ro  Bundang-gu  Seongnam-si  Gyeonggi-do  13455  Republic of Korea. 
Tel. 82-31-709-8746
Email: review at

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