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7th Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference:
Converging Studies and Methods to a Comprehensive Understanding of Korea and Asia
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
Friday, May 31st, 2019

We invite submissions for the Korea University Graduate Student (KUGS) Conference to be held at Korea University in Seoul, South Korea on May 31, 2019.

The KUGS Conference is an annual conference that aims at providing an interdisciplinary forum for graduate students to exchange their ideas and discuss current research pertaining to Korean history and Asian studies. It is an opportunity for young scholars to present their research to both their peers and eminent scholars. The conference will also enable participants to meet others in their field conducting similar research, and gain valuable professional experience in presenting their work for discussion.

The 2017 conference was held in conjunction with the 2017 AAS-in-ASIA Conference, and had 60 presenters with three sessions including East Asian History, Korean Literature, Language and Culture, and Japanese and Chinese Studies. The 2018 conference, titled “Overturning Assumptions and Creating New Approaches to Asian Studies,” highlighted the recent achievements of Korean studies from 29 graduate students. Following the success of our previous conferences, we invite graduate students to submit abstracts from a variety of perspectives on Asian studies for our next conference in 2019.

The 2019 Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference’s theme is “Converging Studies and Methods to A Comprehensive Understanding of Korea and Asia.” We welcome paper proposals that focus on any historical time period. The conference aims at providing a space for emerging scholars to present innovative methods and perspectives in Korean history and Asian Studies research.

Eligibility and Application Guidelines:

  1. All abstract submissions should be sent to Jongrok Lee at, with your name, program of graduate study, and contact information. 
  2. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a program of graduate study ("postgraduate" in British degree classification systems). 
  3. Papers must be related to Asian studies, mainly Korean, Chinese, and Japanese studies. Special consideration will be given to papers focusing on Korea, but all areas and disciplines related to Asia may apply. 
  4. Abstracts must be no longer than 250 words.  
  5. Deadline for abstract submission: Monday, December31st, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Notification of acceptance will be given by mid-January, 2019.

Housing: Housing will be available for those presenting papers.

Contact Info:
Inquiries: For general conference and abstract submission inquiries, please contact:

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