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Consciousness and Fundamental Reality: Lessons from East Asian Philosophy
June 11-13, 2019

Venue: Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai, China

The notion that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality, perhaps even reality's most fundamental aspect, is enjoying a considerable revival in contemporary analytic western philosophy, with renewed interest in panpsychism, idealism, quantum-based theories of consciousness, etc. In the philosophical traditions of East Asia, however, the ontological primacy of consciousness has been a central feature for millennia. In this conference we focus on the question what are the most valuable insights and lessons that this rich tradition of thought has to offer to contemporary theorizing on the relations between consciousness and fundamental reality. In particular, we will be interested in potentially valuable ideas which do not have clear equivalents in the philosophical tradition of the west, or which have not been properly attended to yet.   

Topic areas:
  • Philosophy of Mind and consciousness studies
  • East Asian and comparative philosophy
  • Metaphysics
  • History of philosophy
We would welcome contributions that connect to the major theme of the conference, namely: relate substantively to the contemporary interest in reexamining core issues concerning the metaphysical status of consciousness while doing so in a manner that engages informatively with the philosophical traditions of China, India, Japan, Korea, and other East Asian regions.

Submissions of proposals should be in the forms of a titled abstract of 500-800 words. In addition, please send us a brief biographical note including name, institutional affiliation, and email contact.

We intend to accept 5-6 additional contributions based on this open call for papers.

Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2019.

On-campus accommodation and meals will be provided to all participants whose papers are accepted on the basis of this open call for papers.

Invited Speakers:

Contact Info:
Please submit your proposals to:

Conference organizers: Itay Shani, Mao Xin, Zhenquan Zhou.

Contact: Prof. Itay Shani, Dr. Mao Xin

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