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XIXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
August 16 to August 21, 2020

The International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS) is an association dedicated to contribute to the development of Buddhist studies in terms of conferences, symposia and publications. This association wants to encourage scholarly cooperation and in order to do so, it helps to organize regional conferences and thematic sypmposia as well as the international congress. Its objectives are as follow: scientific research and communication. Its first conference was held from September 15 to 17 in 1978.

General Information:
This congress is the principal forum for scholars of Buddhism studies to present their research results and it is held every three years. In order to participate, all the applicants need to have paid their membership for the year 2020 (More information). However, apart from the membership all the participants must pay $300 for the registration fee and an optional fee of around $200 in case they want to participate in a three days tour around famous monasteries in Korea. Those who want to receive all the new information about the XIXth Congress please fill the form.

Academic Program:
To provide accommodation for all the applicants and to cover many different topics, each participant can only submit one paper. After they have submitted it, they will be assigned to one out of the two types of sessions: panels, which is made of papers of a certain topic proposed by a panel organizer, and sections, which is made of papers classified into general topics. The Congress is divided into two sessions per day, one will be in the morning from 9am to 12:30pm and the other will be in the afternoon from 2pm until 5:30pm. Every session will have different panels with five or six papers giving each applicant 20 minutes to present their paper and 10 minutes for questions.

Travel and Accommodations:
The XIXth Congress will be held in Seoul National University campus, which is located in the south-western part of Seoul, one and a half hours away from Incheon international airport. The campus is connected to the airport by bus lines. Regarding accommodations, the Planning Committee will reserve 200 rooms at the Hoam Faculty House, located near the campus. Nevertheless, there will be other accommodations such as hotels, guesthouses and Airbnb. Direct buses from the hotels and the Congress site will be provided. More information about travel and accommodations will be given as the time of the XIXth Congress approaches.

Call for Panel Proposal:
The Planning Committee invites scholars who want to conduct a collaborative research project and share their results. Those who would want to organise a panel should provide a 200 words paper about the topic they want to propose along with a list of contributors. When submitting your proposed topic, do not forget that we want to give opportunities to scholars. Once the submitted paper proposal are accepted, results will be announced in the Second Circular in April 2019 and to participate in a certain panel topic, applicants should contact the panel organizer. 

  • Deadline for panel proposals: February 28, 2019.
  • Online submission of individual papers proposals: May 15, 2019 – November 1, 2019.
  • Online conference registration: September 1, 2019 – August 14, 2020.
  • Last day for payment of IABS membership fee: December 31, 2019

All panel proposals should be sent to Eun-Su Cho, Chair of the Planning Committee of the XIXth IABS Congress, Seoul National University, Dept. of Philosophy at

If you have questions about general matters, please contact IABS Secretariat at

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