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CFP: ASAA 2020

Call for Papers ASAA 2020

Organised by an interdisciplinary committee, the ASAA 2020 conference is open to scholars, students and community members with an interest in Asia. The conference will be held at and sponsored by the University of Melbourne from 6-9 July 2020.

The theme of our conference is Future Asias.

Global recognition of the multiplicity of Asian communities, within Asia and in diverse Asian diasporas, including those in Australia, highlights the plurality of Asian identities. The dynamism of the Asian region is acknowledged across the disciplines. The organisers of ASAA 2020 ask that presenters explore this diversity and past or contemporary understandings of Asia, to reflect on where these plural Future Asias are headed.

We will be organising a series of roundtable discussions on the following interdisciplinary themes. Individual paper and Panel submissions related to these themes are particularly welcomed.
  • Shifting inequalities in Asia
  • Mobilities across Asias
  • Australia in Asia/Asia in Australia
  • Civil society in Asia
  • Australia-Asia relations
  • New spatio-political-economies of Asia
  • Transitional justice
  • Language diversities across Asia
Proposal submissions open 12 June 2019 for panels, individual papers and flexible format meetings and workshops. Panels should consist of 4 abstracts. Multiple sessions on a single panel topic are permitted, up to a maximum of three sessions (ie. 12 abstracts), submitted as separate panels of 4 abstracts each. The ASAA encourages submissions from postgraduate scholars.

Prior to the commencement of the main conference, the afternoon of Monday 6th July is set aside for pre-conference gatherings. If you would like to hold a pre-conference workshop, seminar or meeting please contact the conference organisers ( to request an appropriate space for your event depending on your anticipated attendance.

The deadline for submissions is 5pm, Friday 1 November 2019. However, spaces are limited, so it is advised that requests are made early.

While you will be asked to indicate your preferred presentation format, the program committee may request an alternative format be considered. The committee will allocate presentations to the program taking into account the preference of authors and the balance of the program.

Individual Paper Proposal:
Submissions should include a paper title, 200 word abstract, author names, affiliations and a 50 word biography for each presenting author. Accepted papers will be allowed no more than 15 minutes in the program.
Important: Each presenter can appear in only one paper session. They are permitted to appear in one additional session, ie. workshop or roundtable.

Panel Proposal:
Panels can be proposed by an individual or sponsored by an institution and should consist of 4 abstracts. Multiple sessions on a single panel topic are permitted, up to a maximum of three sessions (ie. 12 abstracts), submitted as separate panels of 4 abstracts each.  Enter abstracts in order of presentation within the panel.  Each abstract should consist of a title (maximum 25 words), first and last name of presenter, and the abstract body (maximum 200 words).

Submission should be by one central contact for all members of the panel and include all elements, such as:
  • Title of the panel and a 200 word overview
  • Panel chair name and affilitation
  • Four 200 word abstracts including a title, presenting author names, affiliations and a 50 word biography for each presenting author.
Important: Each presenter can appear in only one panel session. They are permitted to appear in one additional session, ie. workshop or roundtable.

Prepare your abstract:
Prepare your 200 word abstract text.  This will be ‘cut and pasted’ to the text field in the Abstract Gateway.

Enter your contact details:
Go to the Abstract Gateway (above) to enter your contact details.

Begin a Proposal Submission:
Select ‘Paper Proposal’ Presentation type and the theme which best suits the subject

Enter Presenter and Author details:
Enter names and affiliations of the presenter and authors.  Also enter brief biography of the presenter(s), 50 words per presenting author is sufficient.

Enter your abstract details:
‘Cut and Paste’ the abstract text 200 words into the relevant field.

Prepare your panel overview title and text:
Prepare your title and 200 word panel overview text.  Thes will be ‘cut and pasted’ into the Title field in the Abstract Gateway.

Enter your contact details:
Go to the Abstract Gateway (above) to enter your contact details.

Enter Presenter and Author details:
Enter names and affiliations of the panel chair and panellists.  Also enter brief biography (50 words) of each, including the chair.

Enter your 4 x abstract text:
Prepare your 4 x 200 word abstracts.  Abstracts should be divided by a space and ‘cut and pasted’ into the text field in the Abstract Gateway. Each abstract should include a Presentation title, name of presenter and 200 word abstract text.

The Program Committee will review all submitted abstracts.

All presenters will be required to register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.


12 June 2019 - Call for Papers & Panels Open
01 November 2019 - Call for Papers and Panels Closes
01-14 November 2019 - Submitted Papers and Panels Review
01 December 2019 - Notification of Review Results. Registration Open
31 January 2020 - Early Bird Registration Closes
05 March 2020 - Presenter Registrations Due

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