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13th Korean Literature Association Workshop

Deadline: March 31, 2020

We invite individual paper submissions from those working in any discipline or field (for example, queer studies, gender studies, history, literature, sociology, Asian American studies, anthropology, communications, performance studies, film/visual culture) who are incorporating Korean literature into their work for the 13th annual Korean Literature Association Workshop to be held on November 20, 2020 at Columbia University.

The KLA seeks submissions by scholars at any stage of their careers who are interested in presenting papers at the Workshop. Those selected to present at the Workshop will submit a full-length paper in advance; presentations (20 minutes each) will draw from the submitted paper. Individual presentations will be organized into panels, each with an assigned discussant. Those interested in presenting a paper at the Workshop should send a 300-word abstract and short CV to the email address below.

This year’s event will also include a Book Manuscript Workshop for junior faculty whose manuscript is near completion. Two manuscripts will be chosen; feedback will be provided at the Workshop by senior scholars in the field. Those interested should submit an abstract of the manuscript, a sample chapter, and a short CV to the email address below.

As in the past, travel and accommodation expenses will be defrayed to the greatest extent possible. The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2020. Please send your individual paper and book manuscript submissions to Jooyeon Kim at

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