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2021 Korea Research Collaboratory

Emotions  Attachment and connection in Korea’s past and present

(Korea Research Centre at UWA)

Terms such as han (한), jeong (정) and perceived practices such as injeong juui (인정주의), yeon-go juui (연고주의) and inmaek (인맥) have been claimed (by some) as distinctly Korean experiences of attachment and connection that have created a dynamic sense of self that is relational, interdependent, and interconnected. Most often these terms have been studied in psychological, therapeutic, pastoral and sociological contexts. With this collaboratory, we wish to broaden the analysis of such concepts and their lived experiences to analysis within the arts, literature, media, historical and contemporary social practice, by focussing particularly on their expressive forms.

We aim to explore how such experiences of attachment and connections are expressed in a range of practices, textual, material, visual, social, in Korea’s past and present. Participants may wish to consider:

  • The nature of expressive practices purposed for specific contexts, and how they change over time
  • How gender shapes expressive practices
  • Expressive practices in educational contexts/settings
  • How religious and spiritual practices shape expressive practices
  • How expressive practices can both represent and enact experiences of attachment and connection

Collectively we hope to investigate changes and continuity in expressive forms over time and their implications for experience of attachment and connection.

Collaborative research laboratories (collaboraties) are intensive research workshops designed to foster communication and advancement around a key theme in modern Korean society and scholarship. They involve leading researchers participating over the course of these 1-2 day events.

Papers of the participants will be pre-circulated to the collaboratory participants and discussion in the workshop will focus on preparing the papers for publication as a peer-reviewed scholarly edited collection or journal special issue. The collaboratory discussions will be open to wider audiences.

As we anticipate that travel restrictions will still be in place in February 2021, the first Korea Research Collaboratories will be held virtually, via Zoom link.

Participation in the collaboratory will be limited. Successful applicants will receive travel funding to visit the Korea Research Centre at an agreed time in the future. Applications for participation in the Collaboratory should include a title, abstract and short cv of the applicant. These should be sent to by Friday 2 October 2020.

A later call will be made for those who wish to connect to the event as attendees.

More detail can be found here.

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