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Call for Paper

2021 KRC Postgraduate eWorkshop

Korea Research Centre of Western Australia

Sponsored by the Academy of Korean Studies


9-10 February 2021 (Zoom event)

Postgraduate eWorkshop

The eWorkshop is designed to provide a forum for those enrolled in a research degree course such as PhD, MPhil or MRes in Korean Studies to present their research, and receive feedback and mentoring from established international scholars in the field of Korean Studies. Postgraduate students are invited to submit proposals for presentations that draw on their dissertation. PhD students should have passed their confirmation of candidature at the time of applying. COVID-19 has resulted in traditional face-to-face conference formats migrating online, a transition that has made online presentation skills integral to academia. As such, one aim of this year’s workshop is to provide presenters with an opportunity to develop their online presentation skills. To do so, an eWorkshop format will be utilised.

What is an eWorkshop?

Rather than presenting a paper live, presenters will be required to record and submit a video presentation of no more than 10 minutes one month in advance of the eWorkshop. Instructions on how to do so will be provided beforehand. The videos will then be circulated to all participants prior the Workshop. 

The eWorkshop will be conducted on Zoom for 3 hours each day. For each video an internationally renowned Korean Studies scholar will be invited to act as discussant and provide specific feedback, after which the floor will be opened to further comments from all participants. Built into the eWorkshop will also be a publishing seminar and discipline-specific breakout groups. During the breakout groups participants will be able to have a detailed conversation with their discussant as well as other postgraduate students from the same discipline.

Key Dates 
  • 9 November – due date for applications
  • 7 December – successful applicants notified
  • 11 January – due date for video presentations
  • 9-10 February – eWorkshop

The Korea Research Centre of WA

The Academy of Korea Studies-funded Korea Research Centre of Western Australia was  established in 2020, to provide strategic leadership for the development of research and  pedagogical innovation and delivery on Korea on the west coast of Australia. Its research  programs will focus on Emotions, Bodies, Identities and Pedagogies. For the eWorkshop,  presentation topics can be from any sub-field of Korean Studies. 

Applications for participation 

The eWorkshop will be limited to 10-12 presenters. Additional participants will be able to join in  the discussion and participate in the publishing seminar and discipline-specific breakout sessions.  Applications for participation in the eWorkshop should include a title, 500-750 word abstract and  short CV of the applicant.  

Applications should be sent to by 9 November 2020. A later call will be  made for those who wish to connect to the event as attendees. 

For further enquiries, please contact Dr Nicola Fraschini ( or Mrs Younghye Seo Whitney (

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