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"Revisiting zainichi", Special Issue,

Transnational Asia: an online interdisciplinary journal

During the last four decades or so, Koreans in Japan, or zainichi Koreans, have been subjected to steady academic attention in the Anglophone research of diverse academic fields, in part in response to the nihonjinron discourse which purported the ethnic homogeneity of Japanese society (disregarding the existence of zainichi) and also in part because of the changing relations triangulating Japan, South Korea, and North Korea. This special issue updates political, legal, economic, and cultural conditions that they are currently subjected to in Japan and beyond, while exploring the potential of the studies of zainichi and its contribution to broader interdisciplinary conversation on ethnic identity and diaspora.

Please send an abstract of about 200 words to Amber Szymczyk,

Transnational Asia is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and web-only journal from the Chao Center for Asian Studies, Rice University, which publishes scholarship that challenges traditional understandings of Asia.

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