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16th Annual Conference on Asian Studies: Bodies, Gender, Identities

The Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc is currently accepting proposals for its 16th Annual Conference on Asian Studies to be held on November 25–26, 2022 in Olomouc, Czech Republic and online via the conference (web)app Whova.

The general theme of the conference this year is “Bodies, Gender, Identities”. We welcome contributions that concern any region or culture in Asia and that address an issue related to any of the three sub-themes, such as the variety of experiences of the lived bodies; the governance of life; embodiment and affect; gendered experiences; gender diversity and sexualities; language and body/gender/identity; performance and the construction of identities; gender and naming practices; human life and the environment; social and cultural practices concerning birth and death, food, spirituality, love and intimacy, pain, etc.

We seek both synchronic and diachronic approaches grounded in a range of disciplines, including anthropology, arts, cultural geography, history, international relations, linguistics, literature, philosophy, political science, religion studies, socio-logy, and other fields in humanities and social sciences.

We invite proposals in the following formats: 
  1. individual papers, 
  2. organized panels consisting of 3–4 papers, 
  3. research posters, and 
  4. alternative formats (e.g., roundtable discussion, book presentation, film screening). 
The deadline for abstract submission is July 31, 2022. In addition, there is also an option to submit an open panel seeking more panelists. For details regarding each of the above-mentioned formats, the submission process, as well as the organizer and the venue, please see our website.

Questions can be addressed to

We look forward to your proposals.

The Organizing Team of ACAS 2022

Contact Info:

Halina Zawiszová

Contact Email:

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