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The Newsletter Journal

The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) is a Humanities and Social Sciences research institute and knowledge exchange platform based in Leiden, the Netherlands. It takes a thematic and multisectoral approach to the study of Asia and initiates programmes that engage Asian and other international partners.

The Newsletter is a free periodical published by IIAS, and the premier Asian Studies forum for scholars and experts alike to publish research essays and reviews. The Newsletter bridges the gap between specialist knowledge and public discourse and provides an exceptional opportunity to share work with our 50,000 readers worldwide.

We are currently inviting submissions for Issue #94, to be published in March 2023. We welcome four types of contributions:

The Study:

These are research essays of 1400-1700 words (for one-page articles) or 2500-3600 words (for two-page articles) on any topic in Asian Studies. Please include 2-3 images with your submissions.

The Focus:

Each issue of The Newsletter includes a special section called “The Focus” that compiles multiple articles on a particular theme. The Focus is put together by an external guest editor. Please note that Focus sections are planned well in advance, and we are currently only inviting Focus proposals. If you would like to propose a theme for a Focus section, please contact the editorial team.

New: The Tone

The Tone features works of creativity and curation. While this includes traditional museums and exhibitions, we increasingly encourage contributors to think in broader terms about artistic output: film and literary festivals, street art, digital media, musical recordings, crafts, and more. Articles in this section can be written by the curator/artist themselves, or by a third party. To pitch an article for The Tone, please reach out to the editorial team.

New: The Slate

The Slate is meant to be a space for educators and researchers to explore the debates, practices, challenges, and opportunities of 21st-century education. “The Slate” can encompass everything from personal reflections to practical resources for educators (e.g., syllabi, field exercises, etc.), from critical essays on traditional education to experimental teaching strategies. With this section, we seek perspectives that decolonize conventional curricula and pedagogies. Through socially and civically engaged approaches, the section aims to foster alternative models for education that are grounded in contemporary experience. To pitch an article for The Slate, please reach out to the editorial team.

Find more information about submission procedures and style guidelines.

For examples of previously published issues, please use this link.

Research essays for The Study in our upcoming issue should be submitted by 1 November 2022. All article submissions, Focus, Tone, and Slate proposals, and any other enquiries can be sent directly to the editorial team at

Paramita Paul

Chief Editor of The Newsletter, IIAS

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