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Asian Approaches to Urban Challenges Conference: Insight for the Public and Policy Makers

The University of San Francisco Center for Asia Pacific Studies is pleased to announce a call for papers for “Asian Approaches to Urban Challenges: Insight for the Public and Policy Makers,” a conference to be held at the University of San Francisco on Friday, April 21, 2023.

With this conference, the Center aims to promote research and academic discussion on issues related to Asian approaches to contemporary urban issues. This year we will be focusing on pressing issues of urbanization in 21st-century East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan) and their implications for policy in the United States. Our goal is to cultivate a discussion across the Pacific region on these important matters that have deep ramifications for US policy makers and public welfare.

Proposed themes include: 
  • accessibility
  • carceral and penal policy
  • children and schooling
  • city diplomacy
  • commerce and tourism
  • crime and policing
  • drug policy
  • food
  • environmental issues
  • housing/homelessness
  • immigration
  • public health and hygiene
  • public transportation
  • race and ethnicity
  • waste management
All participants will be required to provide a draft of their conference paper at least 2 weeks prior to the conference (by Thurs., April 6, 2023) to allow discussants adequate time to prepare their comments. Papers must represent original work not already published or in press. Each presenter will have 25 minutes to present their work.

The Center will provide lodging and food for presenters during the duration of the conference. Participants are expected to cover the costs of their travel to and from the university. We have limited funds to assist a small number of participants with their airfare. Please indicate in your proposal if you are also applying for the travel grant to cover these costs.

Participants will be invited to submit their paper for consideration in the Center’s online, indexed, double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal, Asia Pacific Perspectives (ISSN: 2167-1699). Since its establishment in 2001, the journal has promoted cross-cultural understanding, tolerance, and the dissemination of knowledge about the Asia Pacific region. The journal is free and easily accessible on the web. For more information, visit this link.

The USF Center for Asia Pacific Studies is San Francisco’s academic gateway to the Asia Pacific, promoting teaching, public programs, and research on the peoples and cultures of region. The Center regularly organizes and presents academic symposia and conferences on topics related to the history, culture, and politics of the Asia Pacific region and has earned a reputation for hosting well-organized, interesting events that draw in diverse audiences. Please see the Center’s brochure or visit our website for more information about our work.

To Apply:

Deadline: Application review will begin on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023, and continue until all panels are filled.

Interested applicants should email the following to, subject line, “Asian Approaches to Urban Challenges”. 
  • 300 word (maximum) proposals for a 25-minute paper presentation
  • Short biography
Please share this call with any scholars that may be interested.

Contact for Questions:

Executive Director & Assistant Professor

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