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“Changing dynamics of gender, family, and relationships in South Korea”,

Virtual Writing Workshop for Graduate/Early-Career Researchers

We warmly invite graduate and early-career scholars from around the world who are qualitatively researching gender, family, and relationships in South Korea to a one-day virtual workshop on 1st August 2023. The goal of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for participants to share their research-in-progress and to give and receive constructive feedback on each others’ works (circulated in advance) as well as to network with like-minded people in similar stages of their academic career working on closely related topics.

While we are open to applications working on any topic relating to gender, family, and relationships in South Korea informed by a feminist perspective and using qualitative data and methodologies, we particularly welcome those focusing on the following areas/themes:
  • Marriage, childbearing, and parenting
  • Children's perspectives and experiences
  • Romance, friendship, and intimate relationships
  • Alternative arrangements of care beyond the nuclear family and heterosexuality
Please send in your abstract of up to 500 words, including a preliminary title, topic, research question, methodology and the main argument by 15th March 2023. Participants whose abstracts are selected will need to send their writing by 14th July 2023 for circulation. You will have the opportunity to submit your work either as an extended abstract (around 3000 words including a motivation of the study, description of the analytic approach, and preliminary results) or a full paper (up to 9000 words including abstract, references, tables, footnotes, etc.), depending on the current stage of your research.

At the workshop, participants will give a 5-10 minute recap of their work. As our workshop aims to provide a friendly and constructive environment in which to develop ideas and work, all participants are expected to read and provide constructive and thoughtful feedback on the submission of a few other participants. Participants are also welcome to give comments on the other works based on presentations.

If you are unsure whether your research fits the scope of our workshop, we would recommend you to apply in the first instance. We hope to be as accommodating and inclusive as possible in selecting a diverse range of interesting topics and researchers from various backgrounds. In case you have any inquiries, please feel more than free to get in touch with the co-organizers. We are more than happy to answer any questions or simply to connect and learn about your research.

Key deadlines and details:
  • Deadline for abstracts: 15th March 2023 Wednesday
  • Deadline for full papers / extended abstracts: 14th July 2023 Friday
  • Workshop date: 1st August 2023 Tuesday (time TBC)

About the co-organizers:

Youngcho Lee (she/her) is an ESRC postdoctoral fellow at the London School of Economics, Department of Social Policy. Youngcho is interested in the intersections of gender, work/family, and social policy and her research focuses primarily on caregiving fathers in South Korea and their uptake of parental leave. Youngcho received her PhD in Sociology at the University of Cambridge with joint funding from the Cambridge Trust and Murray Edwards College. Email Youngcho at:

Meera Choi (she/her) is a sociology Ph.D. candidate at Yale University. Meera’s research investigates the micro- and meso-level gender inequality that shapes cultural meanings of intimacy, care, and family formation in contemporary South Korea. Currently, she is working on a dissertation project that examines shifting heterosexual desires of South Korean women in light of the sexual violence and safety discourses since the #MeToo movement. Email Meera at:

*Youngcho and Meera first met in an online workshop during the pandemic and since then have developed and maintained a close friendship. We are organizing this workshop to expand our network and hope the workshop will provide a platform for all participants to find peers and future collaborators in a friendly setting.

Contact Info:

Youngcho Lee: & Meera Choi:

Contact Email:

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