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Memorial Sites. Acts of remembering through media and visual culture:

Transnational Memories in East Asia


Discussant: Michael Tsang (Birkbeck, University of London)

  • "Reading the Transformations of Chinese War of Resistance Museums in the Xi Jinping Era through the Visual Analysis"

Markéta Bajgerová Verly is a PhD student in the ERC project Globalized Memorial Museums at the Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre HistoryAustrian Academy of Science, and at the University of Vienna. Her research focuses on War of Resistance against Japan museums in contemporary China. In 2020, she obtained an MA degree in China Studies at the Yenching Academy of Peking University. In China, she led a Dean’s Grant project mapping 30 museums across China devoted to the memory of the War of Resistance and studied its memory politics. This project informed her MA thesis analysing the impact of the discourse on the museum’s domestic audience as well as her current PhD research. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Glasgow in Politics and History. During her early studies, she focused on politics of sacrifice and the affective turn in politics and was a research associate at the Institute of International Relations in Prague.

  • "Investigating Photography Albums of Japanese Soldiers in North-East China. Methodological and Epistemological Challenges"

Jasmin Ruckert is a PhD student at the Institute for Modern Japanese Studies at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. She has studied in Vienna and Paris (Paris VII) and completed two master’s degrees in Gender Studies and Japanese Studies at the University of Vienna in 2017 and 2018. In her master theses, she investigated visual representations of gender and of queerness in Japanese terebi dorama. During her employment in a research-project on Japanese propaganda funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) her academic focus shifted towards historical media and the employment of fascist aesthetics and structuring of media politics in fascist empires. She is currently involved in publishing a volume entitled ‘Gendering Fascism’ (Brill 2024) together with Prof. Andrea Germer (Heinrich Heine University) on transnational entanglements and gendered dynamics in fascist movements and regimes of the early to mid 20th century. In her role as a lecturer at Heinrich Heine University, she has given courses on ‘Photography in Japan’, ‘Methodology in Transcultural Studies’ and on the history of Japanese-Chinese relations. Together with undergraduate students from her cultural studies course on ‘Representations of War’, she recently organised an exhibition on wartime photography.


  • "The Korean War through Women’s Eyes: Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities"

Suzy Kim is a historian and author of the award-winning Everyday Life in the North Korean Revolution, 1945-1950 (Cornell 2013). Her work has appeared in positions: asia critique, Asia-Pacific Journal, Cross-Currents, Comparative Studies in Society and History, and Gender & History. She holds a PhD from the University of Chicago, and teaches at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in New Brunswick, USA. Her newest book is Among Women across Worlds: North Korea in the Global Cold War (Cornell 2023).

  • "Jeju 4.3 – Postmemory Aesthetics of Museal Images"

Hyunseon Lee, Ph.D. habil., is a London based film, media and literary scholar. She is a Privat-Dozent in Media Studies and Modern German Literature at the Department of German, University of Siegen, and a Research Associate at Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, and Centre for Creative Industries, Media and Screen Studies, SOASUniversity of London. She has lectured and published widely in the fields of German and comparative literature, film, and media studies, and held various scholarships and fellowships at Yonsei University and Seoul National University, Columbia University in New York City, and Chuo University in Tokyo, and at the Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies/ School of Advanced Study, University of London. She is author of the books Metamorphosen der Madame Butterfly. Interkulturelle Liebschaften zwischen Literatur, Oper und Film [Metamorphosis of Madame Butterfly. Intercultural Love affairs between Literature, Opera and Film] (Heidelberg: University Press Winter, 2020), Geständniszwang und ‘Wahrheit des Charakters’ in der Literatur der DDR. Diskursanalytische Fallstudien [Compulsion to Confess and 'Truth of Character’ in the Literature of the GDR. Discourse Analytical Case Studies] (Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2000), Günter de Bruyn – Christoph Hein – Heiner Müller. 3 Interviews (Siegen, MuK 95/96) as well as numerous articles on the topics of German literature, East Asian and Korean peninsula cinema, gender, exoticism, popular culture and media aesthetics. She is co-editor of Murderesses (2013), Akira Kurosawa and His Time (2005), and Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture (2015), and solo editor of two books Korean Film and Festivals: Global Transcultural flows (Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2022) and Korean Film and History (Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2023/forthcoming). She is currently researching war, gender, and memory in European and East Asian cultures, with a focus on K-culture as well as North and South Korean cinema.

Seminar director: Dr. Marcos Centeno (University of Valencia. Birkbeck, University of London)

  • Date: Thursday 30th March, 3-5pm UK time (4-6pm CET, European Central Time)
  • Seminar online. Registration required.

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