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 Asian Philosophical Texts
Université libre de Bruxelles

The purpose of the Asian Philosophical Texts series is to publish critical translations of primary sources in Asian philosophical traditions, along with edited volumes or monographs dealing with the philosophical issues of translating them into western languages. By making primary sources of Asian philosophies available to the wider audience in western academia and beyond, this series will offer readers access to diverse intellectual sources written by a broad range of thinkers from various historical periods and intellectual traditions, including the Indian, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese, among others. 

The translations, accompanied by critical essays, will shed light on major philosophical movements such as Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and others, thereby providing readers with the most comprehensive picture of the multilayered development of intellectual traditions in Asia. Each text will be accompanied by a substantive introduction, critical notes, and a selective bibliography. Through the series, the editors, in collaboration with leading scholars in the field of comparative and Asian philosophy, aim to represent both the classical heritage and modern developments of the diverse and rich Asian intellectual traditions.

Submission Guidelines:
Send us an article of 8–11k words to by July 31 2019. An article can be a critical essay on any topics pertaining to Asian philosophical traditions or a critical translation of primary sources. Manuscripts in English and French are welcomed. If the author is not writing her or his article in their first language, we highly recommend them to hire a style editor prior to submission and if not available, please do not hesitate to contact the editors. We can refer to a few competent editors for supporting the projects.  Should there be any quesitons or concerns, please do not hesistate to contact us at 

Deadline: July 31, 2019

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