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The 1st KABS Mujin Writing Award Announcement

The Korean Association of Buddhist Studies (KABS) invites excellent papers in any discipline of Buddhist Studies to promote pioneering researches of early career scholars. KABS will provide an award of $3,000 each to three papers based on the evaluation by the committee formed of the KABS editors and guest specialists. Awarded papers will be published through KABS’s official journal, Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies (Bulgyohak Yŏngu 佛敎學硏究). KABS will also provide opportunities of publication to outstanding, but not awarded, papers. 


  1. The ALA-LC Romanization Tables are to be followed for romanized passages in Sanskrit, Pāli and Tibetan. For further details, please refer to the ALA-LC specifications: here. Authors are free to render Tibetan proper names and toponyms either in Wylie transliteration or in English spelling; in the latter case, the Wylie spelling must be indicated in brackets when the name is used for the first time. Japanese is to be romanized according to the modified Hepburn system as found in Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary (3rd and later editions). Chinese may be romanized according to either Pinyin (preferably) or Wade-Giles. 
  2. For emphasis, italics are to be used rather than underlining (which is to be reserved for URL addresses) or bold print.  
  3. All illustrations, figures and tables should be placed with a legend at the appropriate point in the text rather than at the end. 
  4. Images are to be submitted as separate .jpeg or tiff files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (color) and 600 dpi. 
  5. Footnotes rather than end notes are to be used. 
  6. Titles of texts are italicized and written without hyphen.
  7. Titles of canon sections are italicized and written without hyphen.

  1. References to publications in the text and in the footnotes are to be given in author-year format. Short references should be included in the text rather than in footnotes. 
  2. References to longer passages are not to be indicated by using “ff.”, but should give the exact pages numbers.

Bibliography and abbreviations:
  1. A complete list of abbreviations and bibliography of cited works has to be attached at the end of the document. 
  2. The abbreviations should use accepted standards, such as those of the Critical Pāli Dictionary, the Abkürzungsverzeichnis zur buddhistischen Literatur in Indien und Südostasien (ed. Heinz Bechert, Göttingen 1990).

Ph.D. students and early career Ph.Ds (who obtained the degree within 5 years (after 2014)) are eligible. Papers should be written in English on MS Word. Papers may be written on any topic related to Buddhism and Buddhist Studies. The deadline is September 30, 2019 (KST; Local Time in Seoul). To submit your paper or query about the details of the award, please email to

KABS Mujin Writing Award is established by generous support of Mujin, Kyonghwan Hwang. KABS plans to hold this writing competition every year.

DEADLINE: September 30, KST. 

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