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The Southeast Asian Media Studies is the official international, blind peer-reviewed, and open-access scholarly journal of the newly-formed Southeast Asian Media Studies Association (SEAMSA).

Subject Fields: Area Studies, Asian History/Studies, Film and Film History, Journalism and Media Studies, Southeast Asian History/Studies

Date: August 30, 2018
Location: Pillipines

October 2018, Vol. 1, No. 1
December 2018, Vol. 1, No. 2

Explorations in Southeast Asian Media Studies: Theories, Trajectories, and Futures

The first two issues of the journal aim to provide a collection of theoretical and discursive articles on Southeast Asian media studies and literacy. The recommended topics are the following:
  • Definitions, status, and directions of Southeast Asian media studies
  • Authorship of Southeast Asian media studies: Who should do/write it?
  • Emerging media theories in and about Southeast Asian mass and new media
  • Practices and methods in Southeast Asian media studies
  • Critical reviews of media studies in and about Southeast Asian mass and new media
  • Media literacies in Southeast Asia
  • Audiences in Southeast Asia
  • Media technologies and processes and the Southeast Asian populace
  • Media convergence in Southeast Asian contexts
  • Southeast Asian politics and the media
  • Media laws, policies, and regulations in the ASEAN region
  • Business, ownership, management, and control of Southeast Asian mass media
  • Southeast Asian cultures and the media
  • Southeast Asian mainstream, local, translocal, diasporic, and indigenous media practices
  • Southeast Asian languages and the media
  • Genders and identities in Southeast Asian media
  • Southeast Asian media and the environment


All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another journal or any academic publication. Authors should follow the journal’s manuscript guidelines

All manuscripts should be sent to Please use the subject “SUBMISSION: Vol.1 No.1&2_Surname_Short Title” (e.g. SUBMISSION: Vol.1 No.1&2_Doe_A Review of Southeast Asian Media Theories).

The deadline for manuscripts for both issues is on 30 August 2018 [EXTENDED].

Contact Info: 
Jason Paolo Telles, Editorial Coordinator
Southeast Asian Media Studies

Contact Email:

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