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Korean American Communication Association (KACA)

Call for 2020 NCA Papers

DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 25 at 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time.

The National Communication Association (NCA) will hold its 106th Annual Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, on November 19-22, 2020. The Korean American Communication Association (KACA) invites individual papers for competitive research sessions.

We invite submissions of papers broadly related to all areas of Korean and/or Korean-American communication themes, including but not limited to intercultural/international communication; new technologies and social media influence on communities; and contemporary communication issues in health, science, environment, sports, or entertainment. The submission of papers pursuing the convention theme, “Communication at the Crossroads” is encouraged. The KACA embraces all theoretical and methodological approaches to research.

We accept three types of submissions:

1. Full length completed research papers. No more than 25 double-spaced pages, excluding references, tables, and figures. Work already presented, published or accepted for presentation or publication should not be submitted. All papers must include a title and a 250-word abstract. Only full length completed papers are eligible for top research awards. Submitters should select “individual paper” as their submission type in the electronic submission form.

2. Extended abstracts (completed research/research in progress). 2-3 single-spaced pages, plus references. Abstracts should clearly state: Aims, research questions, methods, projected results, and keywords (up to 6). The authors must use the individual paper submission type for their initial submission. If accepted, the authors are expected to send the full paper to the session planner no later than 6 weeks before the convention. Submitters should select “individual paper” as their submission type in the electronic submission form.

Individual papers will be blind reviewed by two or three referees/reviewers with expertise in the area. Submitters must delete all identifying information from the uploaded document before submitting a paper or abstract.

3. Panel Discussion proposal. Panel proposals should include a title, a rationale (2-3 single- spaced paragraphs), a description for the conference online program (250 words), a list of names and institutions of panelists, and summary of each paper/presentation. Panels should avoid single institution representation.

AV requests must be made at the time of submission to be considered.

Submissions open Monday, January 13, 2020 and close Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 11:59PM (Pacific Standard Time). Please submit your work online using the NCA Convention Central (click here).

Submitters do not need to be a member of the NCA or the KACA to submit a paper/abstract/proposal for the sessions. However, if accepted, at least one author will need to (1) register for the convention and (2) attend the convention to present the work (otherwise, the presentation will be removed from the program).

All submitters are encouraged to review the Professional Standards for Convention Participants (click here) prior to submission. Helpful resources, including live and recorded step-by- step instructions on how to submit, are available in the Convention Resource Library (click here).

Contact information:

Questions about the call should be directed to the session planner:

Assistant Professor
Department of Communication


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