Missing sources & marginal voices: reconstructing Asian historical narratives

An international conference organized by the Department of History, University of Macau

December 6-7, 2021

Many histories are buried along with sources that have been destroyed, stolen or stored away from archives and libraries. With improvements in technology, transport and communication, scholars have been able to gradually recover ancient manuscripts and discover private archives, paving the way for the (re)construction of new historical perspectives and recovering the narratives of marginal communities. This conference aims to shed light on the various methods historians have used in writing histories beyond the compartmentalisation of official archives. They invite scholars and experts who have construed historical narratives using previously missing, destroyed or absent sources to share and discuss their experiences. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  • Ancient Chinese manuscripts
  • Han-Tang Stele inscriptions
  • Oral histories
  • Family papers
  • Private collections
They particularly welcome contributions dealing with Chinese, East Asian and Southeast Asian studies. Proposals (max. 300 words, in English) and short CVs should be sent to Catherine Chan at or Tsang Wing Ma at by July 31, 2021.


2022 AKS Fellowship Program for Korean Studies

The Academy of Korean Studies

La Academy of Korean Studies dirige el "Programa de Becas de Estudios Coreanos de la AKS" con el fin de ofrecer a los académicos internacionales la oportunidad de llevar a cabo su investigación (investigación de tesis).


Pueden solicitarlo los becarios de universidades extranjeras (incluidos los que tienen nacionalidad coreana con estatus de residencia permanente en países extranjeros) en el ámbito de las humanidades y las ciencias sociales, que actualmente realizan actividades de enseñanza e investigación relacionadas con Corea. También son elegibles los candidatos a doctorado que hayan completado todos los requisitos académicos excepto su disertación (es decir, ABD) de instituciones fuera de Corea.

  • Las personas que hayan recibido una beca AKS en los últimos 3 años (según la fecha de presentación de la solicitud) no pueden participar en este programa.
  • No podrán participar en este programa quienes estén sometidos a medidas disciplinarias por parte del gobierno coreano o de otros institutos afiliados al gobierno coreano.

Período de la beca

El período de la beca debe comenzar dentro del año 2022 (entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2022).

Los solicitantes pueden pedir una ayuda mínima de un mes y máxima de seis meses.

Subvención de la beca

1. Billete de avión: Billete de avión de ida y vuelta en clase económica (sólo se ofrece a los premiados en el extranjero)
  • El billete de avión se reembolsará en función del precio real del billete, pero el reembolso no debe superar el importe de la solicitud de transporte gubernamental (GTR) de acuerdo con las directrices presupuestarias de 2022 para los billetes de avión internacionales.
2. Estipendio mensual: 2.000.000 won
  • Tenga en cuenta que no ofrecemos un estipendio mensual por un período de investigación inferior a 15 días y ofrecemos un estipendio mensual completo por un período de investigación de 15 o más días.
3. Acceso a las instalaciones del AKS, incluida la biblioteca

4. Hasta un 50% de descuento en las tarifas de las Guest House de AKS

Proceso de selección

Todas las solicitudes son revisadas por el comité de selección. Los criterios de selección son los siguientes:

Criterios de selección

1.El mérito del plan de investigación y la viabilidad de llevar a cabo la investigación propuesta en el AKS

2. Posibilidad de contribuir al desarrollo de los estudios coreanos

3. etc: Historial de investigación, posibilidad de enseñanza e investigación conjunta con profesores e investigadores de AKS

Documentos requeridos

1. Formulario de solicitud

2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

3. Certificado de empleo (registro)

4. Documentos adicionales para el doctorando
  1. Certificado de notas del máster y del doctorado (1 cada uno)
  2. Certificado de finalización del curso de doctorado (Documento que acredita la condición de ABD)
  3. Carta de referencia del tutor de la tesis doctoral (La carta de referencia debe ser enviada por el asesor por correo electrónico. Correo electrónico:
  • Los solicitantes que tengan la nacionalidad coreana deberán presentar el documento de residencia permanente.
  • Todas las solicitudes y documentos requeridos deben estar preparados en inglés o coreano solamente. Si no es así, se debe adjuntar el documento de traducción certificada (inglés o coreano).

Método de presentación: Presentación en línea en el sitio web de la Academy of Korean Studies.
  • Presente todos los documentos requeridos en línea (no se aceptarán copias impresas).
  • Consulte el manual de solicitud en línea.

Fecha límite de solicitud

Todas las solicitudes deben recibirse antes del 30 de julio (viernes) de 2021. (Hora estándar de Corea)
  • Los solicitantes deben presentar los documentos requeridos (archivo escaneado) mediante la presentación en línea.
  • No se tendrán en cuenta las solicitudes recibidas fuera de plazo.

Notificación de resultados

El resultado de su solicitud se notificará individualmente en septiembre de 2021.

Obligaciones de los becarios

1. Los becarios deben presentar los resultados de la investigación en el Coloquio AKS y entregar su trabajo de investigación (documento de presentación) antes de que finalice su periodo de investigación.

2. Los becarios deberán informar a AKS cuando se publiquen los resultados de la investigación y deberán presentar 2 ejemplares originales de la publicación.

3. Las publicaciones resultantes de este programa deben agradecer el apoyo del Programa de Becas AKS.


1. La beca de otra institución no puede realizarse por partida doble durante el mismo periodo de la beca AKS.

2. Los anteriores becarios que hayan rechazado la beca por sus asuntos personales pueden verse perjudicados en la selección.

Información de contacto

  • Por favor, consulte las directrices de solicitud de la beca AKS 2022 y los archivos adjuntos para más detalles.
  • Le rogamos que se ponga en contacto con para cualquier consulta.


Call for Contributors 

The Encyclopedia of Hangzhou Buddhist Culture

The “grand narrative” approach to the study of East Asian Buddhism has long remained dominant within the academic study of Buddhism. There is much to be gained from such a methodology and it has served the field well for the most part, but with increasing sophistication and evolving theoretical frameworks, the scholarly value of regional perspectives has become evident. The great cache of documents discovered at Dunhuang at the beginning of the 20th century served as the foundational event for the academic field of Dunhuang textual studies, something that has continued unabated for over a century. But there remain other areas in China that have played a crucial role in the overall history and transmission of Buddhism to the larger East Asian cultural sphere, and that requires a deeper and more sustained investigation. Hangzhou, the former capital of China during the Song dynasty (960-1278), is one such area.

Hangzhou has long been a crucially important cultural and economic hub in China, but it came to particular prominence during the tenth century when it was known as Qiantang and served as the capital of the kingdom of Wuyue. During the Song dynasty, it became a base from which Buddhism spread throughout East Asia, particularly in the case of Chan (J. Zen; K. Sŏn) Buddhism. It was in Hangzhou that the government established the “Five Mountains and Ten Monasteries” system wushan shicha 五山十刹, which later was carried over to Japan and exerted a profound influence on the subsequent history of Japanese Zen. Chan Buddhism went on to become one of the dominant forms of Buddhism in East Asia and served as a cultural nexus for associated arts. Tea production, tea culture, and ceramics are just a few of the industries and art forms that have long been associated with Chan and Hangzhou, and they continue to be in the present day. Hangzhou’s cultural prominence in East Asia is inextricably linked to its Buddhist heritage, which has long expanded beyond the monastery walls and has come to subsume fine and performance arts, material culture, and intellectual history in the broadest sense.

The Encyclopedia of Hangzhou Buddhist Culture will be the first of its kind as a dedicated reference source for Hangzhou’s Buddhist heritage as well as its associated cultural legacies. As Buddhism in Hangzhou is broad-ranging and intimately networked, the Encyclopedia will include people, places, texts, industries, arts, concepts, and schools from pre-Tang China all the way through the Republican Period. In addition to Hangzhou Buddhism and its connections to Korea and Japan, some of the entries are related to Daoism, popular religions, local culture, and Christianity in Hangzhou. Not all of these figures and places are Buddhist per se—but they functioned in the continuum of cultural flows originating and nourished in Hangzhou’s Buddhist past.

The Encyclopedia, as part of the Hangzhou Buddhist Culture Project at the University of Arizona, will be co-edited by Ven. Guangquan, Dr. Albert Welter, Dr. Jiang Wu, managed by executive editor Dr. James Baskind through the Center for Buddhist Studies, and supervised by an advisory committee. It will be published in English by a reputable press in 2022. They are looking for scholars and advanced graduate students who are interested in Hangzhou Buddhism to write short entries for about 500 selected entries which are evenly distributed from the Tang through the Republican era. Contributors will receive an orientation, training, supervision, a certificate of contribution from the Center, and financial remuneration depending on the extent of their contributions. Contributors can choose the entries they want to write from the university Google doc sign-up link. Please send a short message to with a brief description of your qualifications or your CV. They will contact you and send the relevant documents that lay out the details of the project such as the list of the entries via Google doc, the style sheet, and the contributors’ agreement. They plan to complete this project by Dec. 30, 2021.


Curso de Verano Online: Coreano

El Centro de Idiomas de la Fundación General de la UMA ofrece cursos de formación con profesores nativos de inglés, alemán, italiano, francés, japonés y coreano. Cursos que cuentan con el reconocimiento de 1 crédito ECTS por cada 25 horas lectivas para estudiantes de la UMA.

Ofertan cursos de verano que incluyen inmersión lingüística y cursos intensivos, como el curso de verano online: coreano.

El objetivo principal de estos cursos es que el alumno sea capaz de comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso muy frecuente, así como frases sencillas destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato. Puede presentarse a sí mismo y a otros, pedir y dar información personal básica sobre su domicilio, sus pertenencias y las personas que conoce. Puede relacionarse de forma elemental siempre que su interlocutor hable despacio y con claridad y esté dispuesto a cooperar.
  • Fechas cursos: 2 septiembre – 6 octubre
  • Matrícula: 14 junio – 23 julio
  • Duración: 50 horas (75% Zoom + 25% campus virtual)
  • Niveles: A1
  • Precio: desde 250 € (alumnos UMA). Tarifas.
  • Créditos: 2 créditos ECTS
  • Turno: de lunes a jueves
  • Horario: 16:00 a 18:00

Las actividades desarrolladas durante los contactos por videoconferencia recrearán lo más posible situaciones reales de comunicación. Asimismo, se fomentarán actividades en parejas o pequeños grupos para favorecer la interacción, promoviendo el debate, la discusión o la crítica tanto formal como espontánea.


Korea Fest BCN

Muestra de Cine Coreano en Barcelona

La muestra de cine, que tendrá lugar en los Boliche Cinemes del 7 al 11 de julio, presenta su cartel además de las películas de inauguración y de clausura. 

El Korea Fest BCN nace como una muestra de cine que abarca desde las propuestas más independientes hasta las grandes producciones coreanas. La versión en blanco y negro de Parásitos de Bong Joon-ho será la encargada de inaugurar el evento que se clausurará con una de las cintas independientes más avaladas del año, Lucky Chan-sil. Las entradas para el certamen se pondrán a la venta próximamente.

Organizado por CineAsiaBoliche Cinemes, con la colaboración del Centro Cultural Coreano de Madrid, el Consulado de Corea en Barcelona y el Seoul Independent Film Festival (SIFF), el Korea Fest BCN nace como una muestra de cine que pretende dar una visión global del cine que se realiza en Corea del Sur. Desde el cine más independiente, con algunas obras que han triunfado en festivales de cine internacionales (Busan, San Sebastián, Róterdam), hasta el cine más comercial, grandes blockbusters aupados por la taquilla del país.

La muestra culmina los actos de celebración del 70 aniversario de las relaciones diplomáticas entre España y Corea que tuvo lugar el año pasado, y tiene como objetivo estrechar los lazos entre ambos países. Además de las quince películas que conforman la programación, y que desvelaremos próximamente, el Korea Fest BCN ofrecerá diferentes actividades paralelas, algunas de ellas en colaboración con Korea en Barcelona:

  • Escritura en hangul (alfabeto coreano) de los nombres de los espectadores.
  • Muestra de carteles de cine de la Nueva Ola coreana.
  • Exposición de objetos tradicionales coreanos.
  • Presentaciones, sorteos y cinefórums al finalizar algunas de las proyecciones.
  • Se contará también con la implicación de algunos restaurantes coreanos de la ciudad de Barcelona: el espectador que acuda a la muestra podrá desplazarse a estos restaurantes y degustar platos coreanos con un descuento especial mostrando la entrada del cine.

“Parásitos” en blanco y negro inaugurará la muestra

Si hace un año la cinematografía coreana se coronaba en los Premios Oscar® con la producción de Bong Joon-ho, Parásitos, que se alzó con cuatro estatuillas incluyendo la de mejor película, director, guion y película de habla no inglesa, el Korea Fest BCN ha querido rendirle homenaje con la proyección en la Gala inaugural de la versión en blanco y negro de Parásitos, que el director realizó antes de presentar la película en color en el Festival de cine de Cannes, y que se proyectará en la que será su premier catalana.

Y de un premio a otro. Este año los Oscar® han reconocido por primera vez el trabajo de una actriz coreana, la veterana Youn Yuh-jung, por su interpretación en la película independiente americana Minari. La actriz forma parte del elenco del film que clausurará el Korea Fest BCN el domingo 11 de julio, Lucky Chan-sil. La película está dirigida por la realizadora Kim Cho-hee, que antes de debutar en la dirección colaboró con el maestro Hong Sang-soo, en la producción de diez de sus obras. Lucky Chan-sil es una deliciosa comedia fantástica que se ha convertido en la película independiente del año 2020 tras los premios conseguidos en el Festival de Busan, en los Windflower Awards, y los seis premios obtenidos en los Buil Film Awards.

El Korea Fest BCN, ofrecerá precios populares y abonos para diferentes sesiones. Las entradas se pondrán a la venta de manera online próximamente en la web de los Boliche Cinemes, además de poder adquirirlas en la taquilla del cine.

El Korea Fest BCN cumplirá con las medidas sanitarias y de seguridad, así como con el aforo que marquen las autoridades sanitarias en el momento de celebración de la muestra.

Más información

Mail y persona de contacto: Gloria Fernández /


Call for paper for an edited volume:


This is an open call to seek papers for a peer reviewed publication on, ‘Asianism Retold, which is under the Programme, ‘Asianism Retold’ - an initiative to understand the nature of common and distinct Asian values and identity; its role in the region’s development; Asia’s position in global geopolitics and in shaping the next set of international concepts. There have been several ideologies in the past on the question of Asian identity and values that have attempted to promote the political and economic unity and cooperation of Asian people. What can we learn by relooking in this in our current context. 

The broad sub-themes (but not limited to) of the Call for Paper are:
  • What are Asian Values? Are there cultural, political, economic Asian values? Why are they distinctly Asian values? Can one apply indicators of: a) history and pre-nationalism, b) Values that cut through boundaries between Asian countries, c) more suitable to address the needs of Asian people to decide if a value is Asian value or not; d) Any other indicators?
  • What is the value of understanding Asia from a value or identity perspective? What is the importance of particular values to the people of Asia? i.e How are these values beneficial to the development of the people of Asia? What are the values that contribute to this development and what are the values that are detrimental to development of the region? How are Asian values constructed in the background of the past, present and future? What values are fact, fiction, a romantic indulgence, or a political construct?
  • Has the COVID-19 crisis made us more aware of our Asian identities and values? What are the facilitating factors in this point of history and challenges to the dialogue of Asian values? In the aftermath of COVID-19, how can we ensure a sustained awareness of this value or identity system?
  • What are the implications of Asian values in geopolitics, foreign policy and development policy at the national, regional and global level? Are Asian values reflected in national policies, regional policies or global discourses? Have Asian values influenced the policy trajectories of nation states or global norms?
  • Has the “Asian way” created a new model of governance?  How can we re-look at an international concept like ‘human rights’ through the prism of Asian values? What is the relevance of an Asian values like ‘community’ to development frameworks? Is there an Asian model that is neither fully democratic nor fully authoritarian
  • What is the role of religion in Asian values? What is the role of religious values or practices to the future of development, climate change, or health care?
  • Is there such a thing as Pan Asianism? Can there be a coordinated approach and strategy to influence the next set of Asian values? How can we shape these futures of Asian values and what are the points of coding of these values at a societal level?
This book will be edited by Dr. Pramod Jaiswal (Director, Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE)), Dr. Rebecca Kim Chunghee, Professor Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Neha Bansal (Ms.), Co-founder of Asianism Retold and One Asia Fellow at Harvard University; and Litcy Kurisinkal (Ms.), Co-founder of Asianism Retold, Harvard alumni and Human Rights Research Consultant.

For those interested, please:
  • Send your abstract (250-300 words), and brief bio of the author (of 100 words) by 15 July 2021 to this email:
  • The Final Chapter has to be submitted before 15 September 2021.

Please note the following:
  • The abstract should summarize the main argument and outline of the proposed paper.
  • The title of the proposed paper must not be longer than 70 characters (including spaces).
  • The length of the final proposed paper should be less than 8000 words (including abstract, references plus 2-3 tables or graphs, if needed).
  • Please use Harvard citations format for referencing;
  • The release and print of the manuscript is planned for January 2022.

For any queries and clarification, please free to contact us by email (mentioned above) or WhatsApp: +977-9840383300.

Contact Info:


Phone: +977-9840383300

Contact Email:



«Mujer y familia. Una visión desde autoras coreanas»

Hoy por hoy asistimos a una creciente reivindicación de las mujeres surcoreanas sobre su lugar en la sociedad, lejos del papel pasivo que tradicionalmente se les había asignado.  

En el contexto de los movimientos de denuncia actuales, son cada vez más numerosas las voces que abogan por un replanteamiento de roles en la familia, y la literatura coreana escrita por mujeres está siendo una ventana más para conocer la realidad y las contradicciones de una sociedad en cambio. 

Tomando como hilo conductor obras como Por favor cuida de mamá, de Shin Kyung-sook y Kim Ji-Young, nacida en 1982, de Cho Nam-joo, entre otras, se debatirá sobre los cambios que supuso la transición urbana, las expectativas sociales, la maternidad y la repercusión del feminismo en este país asiático. 


Carmen Díez-Orejas, directora del Centro Casa Asia-Madrid


Ester Torres es doctora en Traducción y Estudios Interculturales por la Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Barcelona (URV) y licenciada en Traducción e Interpretación (inglés, japonés) por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Tras haber sido docente en la Chonbuk National University (República de Corea), la Universidad de Yonsei (República de Corea), la Universidad Europea del Atlántico y la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), actualmente coordina el Máster de Traducción Profesional en la URV y centra su investigación en la circulación de literatura coreana y la traducción indirecta. Desde 2020 es la secretaria de la Asociación Española de Estudios de Asia Oriental.

Patricia Chica es coordinadora de Proyectos de la Oficina Puente con Corea de la Universidad de Málaga, desde 2013, y desde 2018 es colaboradora docente en el Área de Estudios de Asia Oriental en la UMA. En la actualidad está finalizando su tesis doctoral en la Universidad de Málaga sobre el “Modelo de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo de Corea del Sur con perspectiva de género”. Es responsable de la iniciativa de la Unidad de Igualdad de la UMA «UMA Feminista: La Ola Coreana» desde 2018 e imparte seminarios sobre «Mujeres en Asia Oriental» de manera trasversal en varias asignaturas del Grado de Estudios de Asia Oriental de la UMA. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en Incheon National University y University of London-School of Asian Studies (SOAS).

Podrás seguir también este webcast en Youtube en esta misma página el día y hora indicados.

Más información:
  • Fecha: Martes 15 de junio de 19.00 h a 20.30 h CEST
  • Lugar: Online. 24 horas antes del acto las personas inscritas recibirán la información necesaria para acceder.
  • Precio: Actividad gratuita.

Inscripciones aquí.


Science Fiction: Activism and Resistance (Virtual Conference)

London Science Fiction Research Community (LSFRC)

9-11 September 2021, online

Keynote Speakers: Grace Dillon, Radha D’Souza

Guest Creators: Jeannette Ng, Rivers Solomon, Neon Yang

In an age when Me Too, Black Lives Matter, Decolonise the Curriculum, Refugees Welcome, and movements for global solidarity with oppressed populations have become part of mainstream discourse, it is vital to re-examine the relationship between activism, resistance and the mass imagination vis-a-vis science fiction. As a genre dedicated to imagining alternatives, science fiction is an inherently radical space which allows for diverse explorations of dissent. It is, also, a space that has been rightfully critiqued for its historic inequities favouring white cishet men (as recently addressed by Jeanette Ng during the 2019 Hugo Awards among others). There needs to be reckoning with how precarious bodies engage in activism and resistance in the context of their material realities and restrictions. Therefore, we must deny universalising a single experience as “radical enough” and instead acknowledge how communities in the margins – queer, trans, disabled, neurodivergent, BIPOC, immigrants and refugees, religious minorities, indigenous populations, casualised workers, the homeless and unemployed – have specific ways of subverting and undermining the system, as well as specific stakes and reasons to do so. It is imperative to not only revisit how science fiction has been a space for activism and resistance, but also resist and challenge the genre’s shortcomings.

For our 2021 conference, the LSFRC welcomes submissions that explore the theme of “Activism and Resistance.”  We recognise the urgency of this theme and the broad ways in which it can be interpreted and applied. We welcome contributions that explore SF as the site of activism and resistance, critical reflections of activism and resistance against SF’s tradition so far, and broader contributions on the topics of activism and resistance. We are especially keen to welcome practitioners, activists, change-makers and dissidents who are working to create a more equitable world. We do not adhere to strict reading of the term SF; instead, we encourage a widening of the genre to highlight and uplift different voices and perspectives. We invite proposals for papers, panels, workshops, protest and disruption sessions, performances, installations, and creative responses to the theme, and we would like to actively encourage alternative and innovative forms of presentation and engagement.

We are aware that academic conferences often have barriers to access and if you have any specific concerns, please do reach out, especially as the online format carries its own challenges (and benefits). We hope we can alleviate some of these concerns with the reassurance that paying for registration is completely optional. 

Please email proposals (300 words + 50 word author bios) and/or enquiries to by 30th June. For this conference, we are organising a track on gaming, SF and activism + resistance. If you would like to be considered for this track, please indicate this in your proposal. 

Possible topics include:

  • Depictions and history of protest in SF
  • Anti-capitalism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-imperialism and decolonisation, and other anti-establishment politics in SF
  • Utopia, dystopia, ustopia
  • Politics of the margins in SF – queerness, disability, race and ethnicity, nationality, religious minorities and caste, immigrants and refugees
  • Reproductive justice in SF
  • Depictions of class, class warfare and social reproduction
  • Climate justice in SF
  • Futurisms from specific race and ethnic perspectives – Afrofuturism, Indigenous futurisms, Asian and South Asian futurisms
  • Reform, rebellion and revolution in SF
  • Cyberpunk, steampunk, dieselpunk, silkpunk, Afropunk, solarpunk, acid communism as forms of dissent
  • Specific SF response to contemporary activist movements – Trans Justice, Me Too, Black Lives Matter, Refugees Welcome, and others
  • Critiques of established/Western SF
  • Challenges to the canon
  • Limits of accessibility in SF
  • Limits and critiques of genre writing
  • Lack of diversity versus tokenism in SF
  • Value of #OwnVoices
  • Toxic fandom and gatekeeping

Suggested Reading:

Texts on collective action, community change, and strategies of care: Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds; Temporary Autonomous Zone; Deciding for Ourselves: The Promise of Direct Democracy; Overcoming Burnout; Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine and the Foundations of a Movement; Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement; Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity in This Crisis (and the next; Glitch Feminism; The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Self-Love; Traditions, Tyranny, and Utopia: Essays on the Politics of Awareness.

Texts on class revolution and socio-economic reform: The Society of the Spectacle; Traditions, Tyranny, and Utopia: Essays on the Politics of Awareness; The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class; Post-capitalist Desire; Social Class in the 21st Century.

Texts on intersectional feminisms: Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction from Social Justice; Living a Feminist Life; Utopian Bodies and the Politics of Transgression; BodyMinds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women’s Speculative Fiction; How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective; Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements; Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women that a Movement Forgot; Glitch Feminism; Feminism in Play.

Texts on queer rights and justice: Cruising Utopia: the Then and There of Queer Futurity; Transgender History: Roots of Todays Revolution; Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements; Queer Phenomenologies; Queer Universes: Sexualities in Science Fiction; I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl’s Notes from the End of the World.

Texts on critical race theory, racial justice and decolonisation: The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study; The Wretched of the Earth; Black Utopias: Speculative Life and the Music of Other Worlds; The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics; There Ain’t no Black in the Union Jack; Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction from Social Justice; Decolonizing Science Fiction and Imagining Futures: An Indiginous Futurisms roundtable (Strange Horizons); Liberating Sápmi: Indigenous Resistance in Europe’s Far North; From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawai’i; Intersectional Tech: Black Users in Digital Gaming; Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code; Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life; Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures; As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock.

Texts on bodily autonomy, reproductive justice and sex work: Pleasure Activism; Revolting Prostitutes; Know My Name; Dis/Consent: Perspectives on Sexual Consent and Violence; Post-capitalist Desire; The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Self-Love.

Texts on disability justice and care work: Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice; BodyMinds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women’s Speculative Fiction; Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the 21st Century.

Texts on digital activism and technological futures: Perfecting Human Futures: Transhuman Visions and Technological Imaginations; The Freudian Robot: Digital Media ad the Future of the Unconscious; Playing Nature: Ecology in Video Games; Intersectional Tech: Black Users in Digital Gaming; Woke Gaming: Digital Challenges to Oppression and Social Justice; Feminism in Play; Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need; Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code; Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life; Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures.

Texts on eco-sustainability and environmental justice: Playing Nature: Ecology in Video Games; Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene; Engage, Connect, Protect: Empowering Diverse Youth as Environmental Leaders; Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger; As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock.

Acceptance speeches and calls to action:

Jeannette Ng’s 2019 speech for the Astounding Award for Best New Writer (written speech and recorded speech), Elsa Sjunneson’s 2019 Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine acceptance speech (written speech), N.K Jemisin’s 2018 Hugo award for Best Novel acceptance speech (written speech and recorded speech)

A FIYAHCON Retrospective 

To Build a Future Without Police and Prisons, We Have to Imagine It First //OR// Rewriting the Future

Using Science Fiction to Re-Envision Justice


Reshaping the Middle Ages in, and through, Asian Popular Culture 

(6/30/2021; ICoM 11/4-6-2021) 

(International Conference on Medievalism)  

Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture

Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture and the Mutual Images Research Association.

For Medievalism Today: 36th Annual International Conference on Medievalism, organized by the International Society for the Study of Medievalism and hosted by Delta College, Michigan.

Online Conference: 4-6 November 2021.

Proposals due 30 June 2021.

As medievalists and medievalismists, we often focus our attention on the reception of the Middle Ages in Europe and the Americas; however, medievalism is both an international and a transnational phenomenon, and one that is especially prevalent in Asian popular culture. Anime, collectible card games, light novels, manga, video games, visual novels, and related media have had an incredible impact on the world, but few medievalists have explored how this material has adapted and/or appropriated material like the Arthurian tradition, Beowulf, the life and writings of Dante Alighieri, the hero stories of medieval Ireland, the life of Joan of Arc, Norse mythology, tales of Robin Hood, narratives of Viking exploration, and legends of Vlad the Impaler. Fewer still have explored the impact of the phenomenal spread of these texts across the globe and their impact on creating perceptions about the medieval world. It is our intent with this session to allow consumers of these media to share their knowledge and passion with fellow enthusiasts of the medieval. We also hope that a collection of essays will result from this session.

Please send paper proposals (along with your contact information and a brief academic biography) and/or questions directly to session organizers at Unless otherwise directed, we will submit the panel details to the conference.

More information about the conference can be found at click here

Further information about the session sponsors may be found at click here

Contact Information:

Website: click here


Name: Michael A. Torregrossa


15th Annual Conference on Asian Studies

Continuity and Change (online or hybrid event)

The Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc is currently accepting individual paper, organized panel, and research poster proposals for its 15th Annual Conference on Asian Studies to be held on November 26–27, 2021 in Olomouc, Czech Republic and online, using Whova, a conference (web)app. 

The general theme of the conference this year is Continuity and Change. We invite contributions that concern any region or culture in Asia and address the conference theme from a variety of perspectives. We welcome both synchronic and diachronic approaches grounded in a range of disciplines, including anthropology, arts, cultural geography, history, international relations, linguistics, literature, philosophy, political science, religion studies, sociology, and other fields. We look forward to contributions dealing with topics such as continuity and discontinuity in cultural, social, political, or linguistic systems, the agents, drivers, and catalysts of change, the motivations for and power to change or control of change, the attitudes and reactions to change, and more. In addition, we are also interested in proposals that focus on the impact of COVID-19 and the global pandemic on different aspects of public and private lives of citizens in Asia as well as on Asian studies around the globe.

We invite researchers, teachers, and postgraduate students to submit their proposals for individual oral presentations as well as organized panels comprising of three to four oral presentations dealing with a selected theme. We also invite students to submit their proposals for our Student Poster Session where they can showcase the results of their research.

The language of the conference is English. The proposals should be submitted in the form of abstracts by June 30, 2021. Please see the conference website for details.

Any questions can be addressed to

We look forward to your proposals!

The Organizing Team of ACAS 2021

Contact Info:

Contact person: Halina Zawiszová

Contact Email: