East Asian Development Forum 5th International Symposium on

Comparative Study of Village Development: East Asian Experiences

In order to promote academic exchanges among scholars from China, Japan, Korea and other countries engaged in the study of urban and rural social development, we hold the 5th International Symposium on Comparative Study of Village Development. The theme of this conference is "East Asian Experience of Urban-Rural Integrated Development", which is scheduled to be held by The Academy of Korean Studies in Korea, on August 23-25, 2024.

This conference will discuss the following topics:

1. Research on urban-rural relationship and urban-rural development;

2. Research on urbanization and urban-rural Integration;

3. Spatial development of Village change in East Asia;

4. Policy research on Rural revitalization and Urban-rural Integration in East Asia;

5. Rural Revitalization and Urban-rural Governance in East Asia;

6. Entrepreneurship and Local Creators for Rural and Urban Development

7. Other related topics on urban-rural integration in East Asia.

The organizer will provide all participants (paper presenters) with three nights of accommodation and meals during their stay in Korea, but the round-trip transportation expenses should be borne by yourself.

You are warmly welcome to attend this conference!


Academy of Korean Studies, Korea

Rural Sociology Committee, Chinese Society of Sociology, China


Academy of Korean Studies, Korea

Department of Sociology, Shandong University, China

Organizing Committee:

1. Prof. Do-Hyun Han, The Academy of Korean Studies

2. Prof. Juren Lin, Shandong University

3. Prof. Katsumi Nakao, J.F. Oberlin University, Japan

The official language: English

Please send your application to:
  • Do-Hyun Han (The Academy of Korean Studies),

Abstract (100-150 words) and short bio (one paragraph)

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 5 April, 2024
  • Paper (Draft) Submission Deadline: 1 July 2024

Contact Information

Professor of Sociology

Academy of Korean Studies


Revisiting Japan-Korea Relations: Toward a New Era

Proposal for a Special Issue: Archiv Orientální (ArOr)

2025 will mark the 80th anniversary of both Japan’s defeat in the Pacific War and Korea’s liberation from Japan. While there have been much political and economic changes, the lingering effects of this historical trauma have yet to be fully resolved in both nations. It remains to be seen whether this date will mark a change in this bilateral relationship or whether old enmities will persist. At this juncture, new approaches will be needed to set a path toward a brighter future that respects the past but is not framed by it.

Navigating the complexities of Japan-Korea relations is a formidable task, given their deep historical roots dating back almost two thousand years and have been characterized by periods of both cultural exchange and political conflict. For example, Korea was crucial for the transmission of culture from the Asian Continent that has been the basis of Japan’s foundation and are still widely vibrant today while military conflicts between Japan and China have always been determined by which power controls the Korean Peninsula as witnessed with the Imjin War (1592-1598) and the Sino-Japanese War (1894). The Japanese annexation of Korea in the early twentieth century and the subsequent occupation until 1945 further underscores the complex nature of this relationship, shaped by politics, economy, society, culture, and their international expansion.

Despite the contrasting experiences between these two countries, negative perceptions stemming from these “memory wars” have persisted and have featured prominently. Such a magnification of the issues has placed this relationship in a precarious situation on numerous occasions. However, we should not forget that there have been several instances of cooperation and exchange aimed at healing historical wounds and fostering a positive future.

While the existing literature often focuses on the difficulties in Japan-Korea relations, few have provided solutions that can lead to meaningful contributions. Among those works that have undertaken such an approach, many are often scattered across various journals and are susceptible to misinterpretation based on the nationality of authors or journals. To overcome this, we propose a special issue that revisits Japan-Korea relations by focusing on innovative resolutions to the more complex issues in this bilateral relationship and consolidating these efforts to maximize impact. The choice of Archiv Orientální, based in Czechia at the heart of Europe, ensures a neutral perspective conducive to fostering a more nuanced understanding of Japan-Korea relations.

In advance of the poignant marking of 2025, this special issue seeks to lay a solid foundation for enhanced understanding and cooperation between Japan and Korea, thereby facilitating further positive academic endeavors. Such a work will attract a large readership including students, scholars, politicians, practitioners, and even the public in both Korea and Japan, as well as those who are interested in East Asia from a different perspective.

Guest Editors

Publication Timeline
  • Submission deadline for the proposal: May 19th, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2024
  • Submission deadline for the entire collection: December 31, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance of individual papers: May 30, 2025
  • Submission deadline for revised manuscript: July 15, 2025
  • Publication: December 2025


This special issue aims to establish a platform for the dissemination of groundbreaking and original research focused on the cultures, societies, and historical narratives of Japan and Korea, both past and present. We particularly encourage submissions that delve into various aspects such as history of economic relations, international diplomacy, linguistic studies, religious practices, and literary traditions within these regions. Articles based on archival evidence and a comprehensive analysis of primary and secondary sources are highly valued.

Distinguishing itself from conventional articles in the realms of social and political sciences, this special issue seeks to provide unique insights into the historical and cultural dynamics of Japan and Korea. By doing so, we aim to engage not only the academic community but also a broader readership with a keen interest in Japanese and Korean studies.

Please submit your abstract (300 words) and title with 3-5 keywords by April 15, 2024;


Programa de Becas 2024 de la Academia de Estudios Coreanos (AKS)

para estudiantes internacionales

La Academia de Estudios Coreanos (AKS) abre la convocatoria del Programa de Becas 2024 (2º Semestre) de estudios de postgrado o doctorado para estudiantes internacionales. Para aquellos solicitantes interesados en el Programa 2024 de AKS, lea atentamente la siguiente información:

1. Información general
  • El programa AKS ofrece ayudas para estudios de Máster o Doctorado relacionados con Corea del Sur o la sociología científica de la humanidad.
  • Las ayudas incluyen el importe de los créditos matriculados durante el periodo de estudios (Máster: 2 años, Doctorado: 3 años).
2. Requisitos

  • Podrán participar en el programa de becas aquellos estudiantes que posean una nacionalidad distinta de la coreana o los coreanos que residen fuera de Corea del Sur
Requisito académico
  • Estar en posesión del título de Graduado y/o Máster
  • Solicitantes para los estudios sobre la cultura y sociedad coreana
    • un nivel de inglés certificado en algunos de los siguientes programas: TOEFL iBT (superior a 80), IELTS Academic Module (superior a 6.5), o TEPS (superior a 301). Los certificados deben haberse obtenido en los últimos dos años.
      • No se requiere el certificado TOPIK
      • Máster
  • Solicitantes para otros estudios
    • El certificado de TOPIK con un nivel igual o superior al nivel 4
3. Plazo de presentación de solicitudes

Desde el viernes 15 de marzo de 2024 hasta las 17 horas (KST) del viernes 29 de marzo de 2024 ambos inclusive

4. Contacto
  • Correo electrónico:
  • Teléfono: +82-31-730-8183
※ IMPORTANTE : Se pueden consultar todos los detalles del programa de ayudas AKS en el archivo adjunto que contiene la guía.


Convocatoria del Programa de Becas Hanmun (chino clásico) 2024

de la Academia de Estudios Coreanos (AKS)

La Academia de Estudios Coreanos (AKS) abre la convocatoria del Programa de Becas Hanmun (chino clásico) para el curso avanzado 2024 para estudiantes internacionales en estudios coreanos.

La Academia de Estudios Coreanos (AKS) se complace en anunciar la “AKS Hanmun (Classical Chinese) Fellowship.” Como una parte importante de nuestra misión es formar investigadores que contribuyan al desarrollo y la globalización de los estudios coreanos, la academia ha organizado la “AKS Hanmun (Classical Chinese) Fellowship.” para académicos internacionales en estudios coreanos. Aquellos que estén interesados en los siguientes programas organizados por AKS, que es el centro global que comparte estudios coreanos con el mundo, pueden postularse.

1. Programas: conferencias, recitaciones, investigaciones y visitas guiadas in situ (realizadas en coreano)

2. Periodo del programa
  • 10º (Curso Avanzado): 2 de septiembre – 19 de diciembre de 2024
3. Lugar: Academia de Estudios Coreanos

4. Eligibilidad
  • Estudiantes universitarios, estudiantes de master y doctorado con especialización en Estudios Coreanos en universidades extranjeras (incluidos candidatos de master o doctorado)
  • Los ciudadanos coreanos y los graduados no son elegibles para este programa.
    • Se requieren conocimientos avanzados del idioma coreano, ya que el programa se llevará a cabo en coreano.
    • Debe haber completado un curso básico de Hanmun para tomar el curso avanzado.
5. Documentos requeridos
  • 1) Para todos los solicitantes:
    • Formulario de solicitud (descargar el archivo adjunto)
    • Certificado de inscripción (o finalización)
    • Una carta de referencia
      • Escrito por el asesor académico del solicitante explicando por qué el solicitante necesita conocimientos de caracteres chinos.
    • Informe de puntuación del examen de competencia en coreano (TOPIK) (si lo ha realizado)
  • 2) Documentos Adicionales para Postulantes del Curso Avanzado (Elija uno):
    • Una copia del expediente académico o certificado que pueda demostrar que el solicitante completó un curso de Hanmun en su universidad (o de otros programas) O
    • Certificado de finalización de la beca AKS Hanmun
      • Todos los documentos deben estar escritos en coreano o inglés. De lo contrario, adjunte una traducción al coreano o al inglés de los documentos notariados.
6. Período de solicitud: lunes 18 de marzo – domingo 14 de abril de 2024

7. Método de solicitud: la solicitud en línea está disponible en la página de inicio de AKS

8. Notificación de la Aceptación: El resultado será anunciado individualmente vía correo electrónico el viernes 26 de abril de 2024.

9. Conferencias 
  • Curso Avanzado: Analectas de Confucio, Mencio, Lectura en prosa
10. Apoyo
  • Pasaje aéreo de ida y vuelta (clase económica) y apoyo para los gastos de manutención (750.000 KRW por mes)
  • Alojamiento (casa de huéspedes ubicada en el complejo de la Academia de Estudios de Corea)
  • Seguro de accidentes
11. Otros
  • Presentar un informe de estudio hasta quince días antes de finalizar el período de la beca.
  • No se brindará apoyo a los solicitantes que reciban fondos de otras fuentes.
12. Contactos: Centro de Asuntos Internacionales de la Academia de Estudios Coreanos
  • E-mail: