History of Insurance in a Global Perspective

International Conference

University of Basel, Switzerland

20–22 July 2022

Conference theme:

This international conference investigates insurance as a crucial element of the general globaliza­tion of finance and of capitalism. Since the early modern period, the geographical diffusion of insurance is closely linked to processes of globalization and de-globalization. The conference presents a broad picture of the multi-dimensional history of international insurance. This covers different periods, regions and branches of insurance: from late-medieval and early modern maritime insurance over the diffusion of life and non-life insurance in the Western hemisphere during the 19th century, the rise of non-Western markets and corporations in colonial and post-colonial contexts, to the effects of recent financial crises on global insurance markets. A global lens also invites a combination of a wider global perspective with local, micro-historical analyses.

Sessions and papers are invited to take either a comparative view, contras­ting different geographical contexts, or a generalizing, international perspective, investiga­ting for example the internationalization and globalization of insurance or international net­works and organizations related to insurance (congresses, societies, cartels etc.). They can investigate the business context, including traditional forms of risk prevention and financial precaution in non-Western regions, the rise of local, non-Western insurance in­dustries, and the interaction between local and international companies in insurance. The conference theme also includes the areas of consumption, such as the social and ethnic patterns of insurance markets, and the changing perceptions of risk in different geographic and cultural contexts.

The conference will be held as a three-day event, on 20–22 July 2022, at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Scholars are particularly invited to cross traditional academic bounda­ries by offering insights on geographical entanglements or trans-epochal developments. The conference follows an interdisciplinary format, bringing together scholars from various disciplines interested in the history of insurance in global perspectives, notably from Business History, International Business Studies, Global History, Consumer History, the History of Law, and Historical Sociology.

We invite scholars interested in participating to submit proposals for papers.

  • Paper proposals should include the title and abstract (maximum 1500 characters) of the paper.
  • New session proposals (with three to four presentations) are also considered.
  • A list of accepted sessions is available on the conference website:
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically by 30th of September, 2021 via the conference website. Submission instructions are available on the conference website.

Scholars are invited to propose papers within the broad thematic range described above. Papers can address topics encompassed in sessions that are already accepted by the conference Advisory Board (see list).

We particularly invite proposals for topics rarely explored in the history of insurance. They include, for example, the history of insurance in non-Western regions, such as Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America. Other fields underrepresented in the program include the history of joint-stock companies or the insurance of the slave trade since the early modern period.

Scholars will be informed about the selection of their proposal by the end of October 2021. The final decision about the conference program and the grouping of papers in sessions will be made by the conference organizers and the Advisory Board (Sabine Go, Amsterdam; Niels-Viggo Haueter, Zurich; Philipp Hellwege, Augsburg; W. Jean J. Kwon, New York; Lan Liang Zhao, Shanghai; Martin Lengwiler, Basel; Grietjie Verhoef, Johannesburg), after consultation with the session chairs.

Paper Proposal Deadline: 30th of September 2021

Contact Info:

For further information, please contact Martin Lengwiler, History Department, University of Basel,

Contact Email:



The Bibliographical Society of America

sponsored session

College Art Association Annual Conference

Chicago, 16-19 February 2022

The Material Text in East Asia: Local Traditions and Intercultural Dialogue

The goal of this session is to explore books and other textual artifacts that have originated or been adapted for use in one or more East Asian cultures. A particular focus will be the interplay between intellectual history and aesthetic appreciation. Examples include the later interpretation of inscribed ritual objects, and collecting practices devoted to the study and display of inscriptions. A variety of media will be considered, including cast bronze and engraved stone as well as print or manuscript on paper. While attending to the specificity of local traditions, the session will consider the significance of these textual artifacts in intercultural and historiographical perspective. Proposals for papers that examine relationships between East Asian cultures or between East Asian and other cultures will be welcomed. The geographical definition of “East Asia” is open; textual artifacts from any period may be considered.

Send proposals (250-word maximum), a title for your presentation, and your CV to: Jeanne-Marie Musto, BSA liaison to the College Art Association,

Deadline: 16 September

For conference details and updates.


Llamada a contribuciones para la

Revista Internacional de Estudios Asiáticos (RIEA)

Universidad de Costa Rica

La Universidad de Costa Rica se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de la Revista Internacional de Estudios Asiáticos (RIEA). RIEA es una revista semestral multidisciplinaria dedicada al estudio de las sociedades y las culturas de Asia. RIEA se propone publicar investigaciones académicas con enfoque a Asia mediante artículos de investigación, reseñas de libros y artículos, y relatos de acción social. Su propósito principal es el de fomentar el intercambio y la comunicación multidireccional en la comunidad internacional de estudios asiáticos, tanto hispanoparlante como angloparlante, incentivando las presentaciones de investigadores provenientes de todo el mundo.

RIEA cuenta con un consejo científico internacional y multidisciplinario, que refleja la composición de la comunidad científica a la cual se dirige la revista.

La revista considera contribuciones originales en español e inglés. Todos los artículos de investigación se someten a una rigurosa revisión por pares doble ciego, basada en la selección inicial del editor y la revisión anónima de dos árbitros.

Los envíos se recibirán durante todo el año, a partir del 2 de agosto 2021. Para la publicación del primer numero, los ensayos se recibirán hasta el 30 de septiembre 2021. Envíe su manuscrito por correo electrónico a Para preguntas sobre la modalidad de envío, comuníquese con el director Dr. Filippo Costantini a

Esperamos recibir sus propuestas,

Filippo Costantini PhD


The tree that hides the forest

Workshop organized by the

Hamedine Kane & Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro, The School of Mutants, 2020. Film still. Courtesy of the artists. (Filmed in the forest near the abandoned buildings of the National Taiwan Ocean University Campus in Keelung).

The Asie-Sorbonne Association organizes a two-days’ workshop with the aim of reflecting on the dynamics of the relationship with trees—and beyond, with nature—in East and South Asia by comparison with the West. Our starting point is the Japanese practice of immersion in a forest called Shinrin-Yoku or “forest bathing” (or sylvotherapy).

The practice which emerged in the 1980s at the same time as the benefits of “green” landscapes was developing in the United States (Wilson 1984), has been examined exclusively from a physiological and psychological point of view by Health Scientists. 

We postulate that this practice is part of a paradigmatic relationship with nature that is determined not only by organic factors but also by an imaginary of the tree, memories associated with the landscape, and cultural practices. It has therefore both universal and relative foundations that we feel it is necessary to examine.

In Japan, the practice may have animist (Knight 2009), Shinto (Knight 2010; Rots 2014) or even Buddhist roots. Since the mainland is identifiable with mountain, forest is practically synonymous with mountain, the place of epiphanisation of the spirit. A wood is quite often a sanctuary and considered a hill, a mound or even a mountain even if it is on the plain and not high.

In Korea, Won Sop points to the traditional association of wood, stone and water to explain the health benefits of forest bathing (Won Sop et al. 2010).

In Taiwan holistic indigenous practices see people as part of an interdependent environment, as an Umwelt (Lushan tribe 2018).

The Chinese concept of qi (in Japan ki), i.e. the vital energy shared between man and nature, as well as the specific perception of trees in Chinese (Bao et al. 2016; Escande 2011; Ke 2019) and Japanese philosophy, can be called upon to support this implicit cultural dimension.

The forest as a place of enlightenment is also essential for Buddhists and Jains, and the representation of Yaksha and Yakshini testifies to the role of the tree as a source of life, sometimes ambivalent, in the Indian tradition, where certain tree species are still considered sacred today. Such representations existed in the West before the Industrial revolution, and then in reaction to it, e.g., in the Gothic, and in European Romanticism (Harrison 1992) or in American Transcendentalism (Egerton 2011).

The workshop addresses a double question: How do cultural, artistic, religious, classical or popular, traditional or contemporary practices, as well philosophical/aesthetic theories bear witness to a certain view of the forest; and how do they potentially pre-condition the actual experience of forest immersion? The question will be approached in the context of East and South Asia, or, by comparison, in the West.

Our motivation is not only theoretical. We postulate that in a “post-anthropocene”, ecological perspective, it is necessary to “re-enchant” our relationship to the forest, to the tree, to the soil. Let us cease to look at the tree, its essence, its size, to perceive the forest in which it lives, the clouds, the streams, the animals that surround it, in a holistic way, imbued with a living, poetic dimension that integrates but goes beyond the scientific and naturalistic approach (Latour 2021, 2015; Descola 2005; Alexander 2004).

Practical details

The conference will take place from 19 to 20 November 2021 in person and by videoconference at the INHA (Paris). The 20-minute papers may be in French or English. Contributions from artists and poets are welcome, including in the form of a performance.

An abstract of 300 to 500 words must be received by 30 August at the latest at Selected participants will be notified on 15 september.

A publication of a selection of the papers is planned.

Please note:

A three-hours immersive experience in a forest of Ile-de-France under the guidance of a naturalist and psychologist trained in Shinrin-Yoku will be organized for a limited number of interested participants (50€/pers.). For organisational reasons, registration must be made by 30 August at the latest. It is not refundable.

Asie-Sorbonne is an association of researchers working on Asian humanities whose headquarters are located within the Creops, Department of East and Southeast Asian Art History of the University of Paris-Sorbonne

The contributions will be evaluated by an ad hoc scientific committee. 

Bea Bien–U, The pine forest at Kyungju, 2010. C-Print- © Gallery X. Courtesy of the artist.

Contact Info: 
Secretariat Asie-Sorbonne

Contact Email:


The Global Circulation of Korean and Japanese Cultural Industries

International Research Workshop

July 19-20, 2021

Room: Jordi Arbonès, Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació,

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB Campus

GREGAL Research Group (UAB) & ECIPE (European Centre for International Political Economy)

Registration (free of charge) online sessions.

July 19, Monday

15:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks

15:15 Global East Asian Studies: The GREGAL’s Research Project

15:30 The Missing Aspect in the Diffusion of Hallyu Contents: Understanding Why

  • Foreign Companies are Interested in the Korean Drama Industry

16:15 Butaitanbou Practitioners and the Media Literacy of Otaku Tourism in Japan

17:00 Fandom, Entrepreneurship, and the Globalization of Hallyu

17:45 Fighting Hallyu with Cool: Martial Arts as a Testing Ground for Cultural and

  • Creative Industries in Japan and South Korea

18:30 General Discussion

July 20, Tuesday

09:30 The Role of the Governments and Companies in the Film Industry: Comparing

  • Six Countries over Forty Years

10:15 South Korea’s Soft Power and North Korea

11:00 Availability of Korean Literature in Spanish Translation: Bookstores and

  • Libraries in Barcelona

11:45 Coffee Break

12:15 The Origins of Japanese SF in the Nineteenth Century: The Curious Story of The Novel Voyage to Innumerable Star Worlds

13:00 The Translation of Chinese Literature and Cinema in Spain: Design and

  • Potential Applications of Two Open-Access Databases

13:30 General Discussion

14:00 Closing Notes

Organized by:

GREGAL Research Group (2017 SGR 1596) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & ECIPE (European Centre for International Political Economy).



Oferta de empleo:

TTech_Analista Técnico de Threat Intelligence

ElevenPaths es la compañía de ciberseguridad de Telefónica, y nos gusta describirnos como una start-up porque somos un equipo con mentalidad abierta y ágil, pero, además, formamos parte de una de las principales telcos mundiales. Resumiendo... en este sentido, tenemos lo mejor de los dos mundos.

Además de apoyarnos en los mejores partners de ciberseguridad y estratégicos, creamos y desarrollamos nuestros propios productos, por lo que la innovación es uno de nuestros pilares. Buscamos nuevas formas de hacer las cosas, ideas locas, experimentar y divertirnos. Así que, como te imaginarás, buscamos personas con iniciativa, ideas frescas y entusiastas con lo que hacen, estén en el departamento que estén.

Le damos importancia a la tecnología y a la pasión por ella, pero también al talento y la calidad humana. Trabajamos en equipo para crecer como profesionales, pero también como personas. Porque sin las personas, las compañías no existirían. Éstas se construyen a base de relaciones, y como en cualquier relación, la confianza es básica. Por ello, ElevenPaths nació desde sus inicios con valores que ahora más que nunca resultan básicos, como la flexibilidad y la responsabilidad de cada uno, apoyándonos además en estructuras cada vez más planas, donde cada uno pueda desarrollar y explotar al máximo su potencial.

Si algo somos en ElevenPaths es aprendices de por vida, comprendemos que nos encontramos en un mundo cambiante, en el que no se puede dejar de evolucionar. Para ello, disponemos de formación continua, con una academia con cursos propios, ayudándonos unos a otros a comprender qué hace el de al lado y por qué, pero también con webinars, eventos, certificaciones de terceros, y todas las nuevas formas de aprendizaje que sete puedan ocurrir.

Además, somos una empresa internacional, en la que la diversidad es algo inherente, y esto nos permite estar en contacto con personas diferentes en muchos sentidos, lo cual consideramos una de las mejores formas decrecer. También, intentamos ayudar todo lo posible, y por ello nos involucramos en acciones sociales, tanto a nivel empresa como individual, en las que aportamos, al menos, un trocito de lo que somos a los que más lo necesitan.
Objetivos del equipo de Threat Intelligence

Proveemos a nuestros clientes la ciberinteligencia necesaria para gestionar su negocio de forma satisfactoria en esta nueva actualidad digital.

Les ayudamos a entender y prevenir las inminentes amenazas que les acechan y les soportamos en sus procesos de toma de decisión en aspectos de ciberseguridad. Analizamos distintas fuentes para detectar amenazas tanto en la surface, como en dark y deep web ofreciendo una solución modelable estructurada en 3 grandes bloques. Reputación y marca, disrupción de negocio y fraude online. Para ello utilizamos distintas herramientas, propias y de mercado para poder evaluar y categorizar las distintas amenazas que afectan a nuestros clientes y se las notificamos a través del Portal de cyberthreats, o a través del teléfono y del email. Además, tenemos reuniones de seguimiento con ellos para recoger su feedback y nuevas necesidades.
Responsabilidades principales
  • Búsqueda y filtrado de fugas de información
  • Desarrollos CT + Maqueta CT (herramientas, scripts, ...)
  • Detección de dominios de clientes que sufren Phishing (campañas)
  • Análisis de Phishing, malware, app móviles.
  • Soporte analistas CT (Dudas, apoyo técnico, detecciones, peticiones analista)
  • Investigaciones en opensource deep y dark
  • Preventas – Fugas, Exposición de información, Phishing, Malware, APks
  • Investigaciones/información para determinados informes del servicio
  • Análisis publicaciones en páginas de “Ransomware” de empresas que puedan afectar a cliente (petición de analistas)
  • Informes a medida (para Pilotos, clientes con pocas detecciones,)
  • Grado/Licenciado en cualquier materia.
  • Máster/cursos en análisis de inteligencia, seguridad o en investigaciones
  • Deseable alguna certificación en Ciberseguridad. 3-5 años trabajando en entornos analíticos o de inteligencia, idealmente en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad.
  • Realización investigaciones de empresas, perfiles, incidentes, países, etc.
  • Uso y provisión de herramientas de captación y análisis de información (OSINT).
  • Uso de técnicas y metodologías de investigación y análisis de información.
  • Trabajando bajo presión en situaciones de crisis e incertidumbre.
  • Uso de expresiones regulares (RegEx), booleanas y Google dorks.
  • Generación de scripts de Python, Bash, PowerShell y desarrollos para facilitar tareas de búsqueda (crawling) y procesado de información.
  • Enfoque en la persecución de objetivos.
  • Creatividad en el diseño de planes, procesos y procedimientos para dar respuesta a los clientes de la unidad.
  • Proactividad en la búsqueda de nuevos riesgos y fuentes de información.
  • Conocimiento de los procesos relacionados con la producción de inteligencia (ciclo de inteligencia etc.).
  • Pensamiento crítico en el proceso de análisis y redacción.
  • Capacidad para elaborar entregables (informes y presentaciones) claros y concisos.
  • Capacidad de comunicar conocimientos de manera exacta y precisa.

Te unes a casi 100 años de historia, un equipo de 106 nacionalidades presentes en más de 35 países. Te unes a un equipo que trabaja por conectar a las personas allá donde estén, sin fronteras. Un equipo que está liderando la revolución digital con la ilusión del primer día en todos nuestros negocios, creando el mejor ecosistema digital para nuestros clientes:  Red, IoT, Cloud, Ciberseguridad, Innovación etc. En Telefónica tienes todo lo que necesitas para crear la mejor versión de ti mismo. Necesitamos gente como tú que se sume a este gran reto, que quiera crear la Telefónica del mañana.

En Telefónica apostamos por las nuevas formas de trabajo y somos líderes en la implementación de la Desconexión Digital bajo el principio “Desconecta para Reconectar”.


Helene Aguirre Mindeguia,


Culinary Cultures on the Move,

Issue 9.2., Verge: Studies in Global Asias 

Verge: Studies in Global Asias showcases scholarship on “Asian” topics from across the humanities and humanistic social sciences, while recognizing that the changing scope of “Asia” as a concept and method is today an object of vital critical concern. Responding to the ways in which large-scale social, cultural, and economic concepts like the world, the globe, or the universal (not to mention East Asian cousins like tianxia or datong) are reshaping the ways we think about the present, the past and the future, the journal publishes scholarship that occupies and enlarges the proximities among disciplinary and historical fields, from the ancient to the modern periods.

One of our main goals at Verge is to provide a critical space to think through the productive relations and generative discontinuities between Asian Studies and Asian American Studies. While, in many ways, these two fields have traditionally defined themselves in opposition to one another, with the former focused on an area-studies, nationally and politically oriented approach, and the latter emphasizing epistemological categories, including ethnicity and citizenship, that drew mainly on the history of the United States, the past decade has seen a series of rapprochements in which, for instance, categories “belonging” to Asian American Studies (ethnicity, race, diaspora) have been applied with increasing success to studies of Asia. For example Asian Studies has responded to the postnational turn in the humanities and social sciences by becoming increasingly open to rethinking its national and regional insularities, and to work that pushes, often literally, on the boundaries of Asia as both a place and a concept. At the same time, Asian American Studies has become increasingly aware of the ongoing importance of Asia to the Asian American experience, and thus more open to work that is transnational or multi-lingual, as well as to forms of scholarship that challenge the US-centrism of concepts governing the Asian diaspora.

Verge publishes work from historians, literary and cultural scholars, sociologists, anthropologists, art historians, political scientists, and others that engages with the ways in which “globalization” requires us to understand the past, present, and futures of Asia.  In doing so, the journal emphasizes multidisciplinary engagement—a crossing and engagement of the disciplines that does not erase disciplinary differences but uses them to make possible new conversations and new models of critical engagement.

One of Verge: Studies in Global Asias’ distinctive features is an opening section called Convergence, where we curate a rotating series of rubrics that emphasize collaborative intellectual engagement and exchange. Each issue features four of the following rubrics: A&Q, a responsive dialogue, either in interview or roundtable format, inspired by a set of questions; Codex, a collaborative discussion and assessment of books, films, or exhibits; Translation, for texts, primary or secondary, not yet available in English; Field Trip, reports from various subfields of the disciplines; Portfolio, commentaries on visual images; and Interface, texts exploring the resources of the print-digital world. We welcome those interested in these features to submit a Convergence proposal for the issue.

Proposals should be 1-2 pages in length and indicate what kind of feature is being proposed; demonstrate an awareness of the formats utilized by the journal; include an abstract and, if collaborative, a list of proposed contributors; and include a short (2 pg) cv.

The Convergence proposals deadline is August 1, 2021, however, we encourage those interested in submitting to contact co-editors about their ideas in advance of this date. Please direct all inquiries and submissions to

Convergence Proposals: August 1, 2021


South Korean Women’s Cinema

Online conference 23-25 September 2021

Funded by The Academy of Korean Studies

While the profile and popularity of Korean cinema abroad has peaked with the success of multi-Oscar award-winning film Parasite (Bong Joon-ho, 2019), women’s cinema and women filmmakers’ wide-ranging contribution to Korean cinema have been consistently overlooked by film audiences and academics alike. Such neglect is evident in a dearth of English-language sources on women filmmakers in the Korean film studies scholarship. As the first major English-language conference focused solely on Korean women’s cinema, the conference aims first of all to celebrate Korean women filmmakers (from pioneers to new generation) and contributions they have made in the history of Korean cinema. The event also intends to provide a site that enables the feminist film scholars to explore a range of topics and issues that include what it means to do women’s cinema in Korea and the relationship between activism and cinema, as well as addressing gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and the #MeToo Movement within the Korean film industry and wider fields. In addition, the conference seeks to illuminate the current status of women’s cinema and to envisage future trends.

We’d like to invite proposals for (maximum) 20-minute papers that address any topics related to the South Korean women’s cinema, including case studies on:
  • Female authorship (directors, producers, screenwriters, etc.)
  • Female film stars
  • Female subjectivity / agency on screen
  • Women’s film history
  • Women in Korean film industry
  • Documentary films & activism
  • Women and transnational filmmaking
The conference also welcomes expression of interests in participating in the “Teaching Korean Women’s Cinema” workshop. (A modest amount of honorarium is available to the workshop participants.) Deadline for submission of proposals: Monday 2 August 2021.

Please send proposals (of about 200 words) & short bio (of about 50 words) + EOI in the workshop and any queries to the conference organiser: Dr Chi-Yun Shin ( by Monday 2 August 2021.



Este segundo trimestre nos ha traído un gran número de publicaciones en Estudios Coreanos a través de las editoriales académicas más prestigiosas del mundo. Por ello, hemos hecho una nueva selección de investigaciones de ámbito internacional que ya están disponibles para su compra y a las que se puede acceder a través de nuestra última lista de novedades académicas del segundo trimestre de 2021: